Saturday, September 13, 2008

response to Newburn's blog

Okay, so I read that article Newburn posted, and at first, I thought the author was going against drugs. But, then I got to the end of the article and read this;
"I represent Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, an international organization of sworn antidrug warriors who know that we must end this prohibition in order to legalize and regulate all drugs, thus wresting control from the cartels and street thugs who prey on children. Ending this prohibition is a singularly potent civil rights issue. It is a remarkable movement, led by both white and minority law enforcement officials."
By "ending this prohibition," does the author mean that he/she wants to rid of the laws that forbid marijuana, cocaine, etc? That’s what I got out of it. And if this is true, then what the perdition? The author went on by saying that the "minorities" were imprisoned more, so by legalizing these drugs, are they just wanting to have less of them in jail? This would also alter peoples incentives, and everyone will be smoking and shooting that arm candy because it would be legal!


Mr. Newburn said...

Ja'Layne, would you use heroin if it were legal?

Ja'Layne said...

no, i would not, newburn.

would you?

Allison said...

Just because something is legal doesn't mean everyone is going to do it. If anything, I think less people would. Most people want to just be "cool" and break the law.

Mr. Newburn said...

No, I wouldn't either. But you seem to think others would. What makes you think others would, when you wouldn't?

Allison:: "fewer," not "less."

Gabrielle said...

The same number of people would do the drug, regardless of its availablility.