Monday, September 8, 2008

Charities Bad, Greed Good

Although my somewhat engrained “values” make me tend to be against the greediness of bloodsucking businessmen, I have to admit that logic forces me to realize that the concept of greed being “good” is actually true. When company bigwigs decide they want more money it leads to higher production and better prices of whatever they produce. This not only creates jobs, but also satisfies more consumers.
If we could all just look past the societal pressures towards philanthropy, we would see the long term affects of “greed.” There are differing opinions of the balance between giving and taking money when you are already wealthy, but if the CEOs and wealthy people of this nation would invest their money, it would benefit everyone in the long run. Take, for example, the lifeguards of Orlando—which ones were better at saving lives? The paid lifeguards simply had the incentive to do their job correctly. I think that this can apply to the whole of charities. Although this may make some people’s skin crawl, I now think that charities may be hurting the very cause they are trying to help.
If only it were true that all people help others without thinking of themselves. This simply doesn’t happen. Capitalism has to take place in order for things to work out the way we all want them to. I never really understood the concept of “not giving” until this realization: self-interest drives the economy forward. This, in turn, drives society forward.

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