Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Even though, we hate to admitt that greed, thought of as a social evil, actually turns the wheels of production and the capitalist economy in which we live. "Why would I work all day just to help another person I do not in any way care about or may not even like?" Well if I disire to make money I might just cooperated with this person if it is in my best interest. Yet, the gree that prossess mankind may compell us to make products and provide services that bentifical to our fellow man. Like Adam Smith said, " Its not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to thier own interest.." Thus, we find that greed in a sense is constructive and necessary, and inspires us to cooperate more in the world economy, becuase of the simple disire to get ahead and obtain something for ourselfs. The only way we can do this is by servicing our fellow men. So a question we must ask: "What exactly is this odious word, Greed?

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