Tuesday, September 9, 2008

how good is greed?

I believe that greed is a beneficial thing that helps us better all as a whole. Greed pushes people to go out and get more. Greedy people are in fact the people who have more. We are all greedy in some way, whether it's for money, power or just to get something we want. A lot of people say that greedy people are horrible and mean, but it's the greedy people that supply us with the things we have? Many people like coffee. Juan Valdez became a huge figure in the coffee business by making mountain ground coffee. We all enjoy the coffee we love because Valdez wanted to make money and become powerful.
The evil men in the black suits that everyone calls ruthless and powerful gives us our jobs. they are greedy, but it's their greed that give us the jobs we have, that puts the food on our tables and help us support our families. When we hear the word "greed" we think of some mean spirited person trying to get the most they can out of life an the people around them. But the real definition of greed is an excessive desire to acquire or possess more than what one needs or desires, especially with respect to material wealth.
All in all, greed leads our economy and our lives. We cannot live without greed. Greed motivates us to do the best we can, just because we want to be higher and have more power than the next man. Greed isn't as bad as everyone thinks when you really break it down. We don't live in a perfect world, and we wouldn't live much of a life at all if we didn't have a little greed to get us through the day.

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1 comment:

Chick said...

And all those who want more belong here: http://www.greedypeople.com