Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My thoughts about the Video in Newburn's

For the past two days in Newburn’s class, we’ve been watching a video on 9-11. I’m not sure the name of the video, but after watching only half of it, I’ve learned so much. I had no idea that attacks on the United States, that were planned by Osama, had even happened! Yea, I never really watched the news when I was younger, but it amazes me that someone could have so much hatred towards a country. I’ve never had that much anger towards anyone my entire life. Of course, I didn’t grow up in the Middle East, nor do I have the same beliefs as they do, but it’s hard for me to understand how someone sane could ever do such a thing.

AHH! I dont get it!

Are they just not sane? Or do their beliefs really beleive that by attacking the United States, that we would pull our troops out of their coutnry?

Whatever, Im done expressing my thoughts.

1 comment:

Bre.Sanders said...

I don't think that by attacking the U.S that Osama beilieved that we would leave their country. I think that the fact that he was embarrassed by the alliance he wanted to make that was rejected for the alliance with the US, made him hate the US even more. Not only that, but he believed that the fact that the US was still on the holy land that he had a right to bring an attack against us. The fact that people were also devising plans against the US probably pushed this plan even more into thinking that he was right to attack.

Idk for sure though.