Monday, September 8, 2008

Greedy People Make Markets.

The first time that I watched that movie "Greed" by John Stossel, I didn’t really understand the whole idea of it. I use to think that to be greedy was a bad thing. But in the past few weeks, since we started taking AP Economics, I’ve learned that even I am quite greedy. I want the most I can get out of anything. Yes, it would be nice if I, or any business man, would "give" loads of money to the needy, but in reality, that money wouldn’t help them as much as it would investing it somewhere else where it could help them even more in the long run.
Some people may disagree and say that greed is a bad thing, but look at your country! It’s based off of greed. Everyone is greedy. McDonald’s is one of the biggest fast food restaurants in the world. They are considered to be "greedy", yet millions of people still eat their food; however, when a business man makes a couple million dollars, he is called greedy and hated. Perhaps people are just jealous of the man who is successful and makes millions of dollars of his product?
Another thing that people usually don’t understand about greed is that it makes everyone better off. The man who invented the printer didn’t wake up one morning and decide to make the world a better place by inventing the printer. He woke up one morning and wanted to make some money! Now, thousands of people are employed because of this greedy man and everyone one who owns a printer is better off. People need to understand that greed is only human nature and makes our world what it is today.


Mr. Newburn said...

Good thoughts. One note: commas ALWAYS go INSIDE quotation marks.

Chick said...

You belong with us. Welcome aboard.