Thursday, August 28, 2008

Welcome, kids!

Welcome to the class blog. You should have received an invitation in your "email" that allows you to "post" on this "blog" (short for "web log," which is like an online journal). This is what it will look like when you "post." So, start "posting." Of course, your "posts" should relate to economics and current events. With that caveat, feel free to run wild with your opinions.

Since this is a semi-public forum, I should add: please write as well as you can, and edit your posts as often as possible. Proper grammar, punctuation and clarity of thought are all appreciated.

This "blog" (short for "web log," which is like an online journal) should also be considered a forum for debate. If a classmate or I "posts" something with which you disagree, let 'em hear it with another "post," or in the original "post's" comments section.

So get after it and make me proud. Like each of you does every single day in class.

--Mr. Newburn

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